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Getting Started

Arduino Setup

  1. Download and install the latest Arduino IDE

  2. Start Arduino and open the Preferences window.

  3. Under Additional Board Manager URLs add:
  4. Open Boards Manager under Tools > Board menu and install the ATmega328 or esp32 platform

  5. Download the code from GitHub.

  6. Make sure all the dependencies are updated to the latest version.


  1. Plug in the USB on MouDio and select the serial port that shows up
  2. If nothing shows up, or if you're having trouble uploading, make sure you have the USB-Serial drivers installed.
  3. Select ESP32 Dev Module under Tools > Board > ESP32 Arduino or ATmega328
  4. Select Huge App under Tools > Partition Scheme
  5. Leave everything else as default
  6. Choose an example and hit upload
  7. Try modifiying the examples or create your own app!

PlatformIO Setup

PlatformIO is a compatible alternative to arduino. It's more oriented for the command line user, but it is also more flexible and predictable in build configurations and dependency management (like libraries).

It has two parts: a "core" that has the command line tools that build and upload/flash, and an "ide" which is a bunch of plugins and extensions for editors you can find here.

Use whichever extensions you wish but this documentation is related to the core, so: